A Real Solution
our approach
At Water4, we believe that a real safe water solution has to show real results in the form of opportunity for people, reliability leading to consistent positive change, and the application of faith.

Opportunity For People
Those living in poverty are often mistaken for victims, a label they’d never wear themselves. Real solutions value people, see potential, and offer opportunities to participate in their own solutions and flourish. Our safe water model empowers with a “hand up” rather than stopping short with “handouts”.
Opportunity To Accelerate Potential:
Safe water is a building block for healthy life. When this need is met, resources and attention can shift to the next need to build a greater life. Customers can invest their reclaimed time and energy in increasing farming, starting small businesses, pursuing education, developing skills, and realizing their God-given potential.
Opportunity To Achieve Prosperity:
You only purchase something when you see value beyond the price tag. With every purchase, our customers leverage the resource of safe water and the time and energy saved by not having to fetch it to invest in something of greater value. Buying back your time for more efficient uses builds prosperity, and we make this possible by bringing water to homes.

Reliability = Consistent Change
Injections of charity can’t make the difference that businesses do. Real change in communities is only possible with generative solutions that are reliably available and deeply invested in their customers' well-being.
As a non-profit, Water4 helps fund and scale its businesses, building the infrastructure with charitable investments and ensuring they can self-perpetuate off of sales and customer satisfaction, working towards a day when they can install more and more water points with profits into the future.
Water4 businesses build, own, operate, and maintain water systems. This vertical integration streamlines the creation of new NUMA businesses. The same organization handles everything from design and conception to implementation and maintenance to mitigate risks, ensure quality is maintained for customers, and create a durable system.
Like all businesses, Water4 built NUMA to be customer-reliant and therefore customer-focused. NUMA employees relentlessly serve their customers because their salaries depend on it, and the business won’t survive without sales. As a result, NUMA will only provide the solutions that customers want, meaning reliable value for the customer and growth for the business. This approach cultivates self-reliance and severs the cycles of dependency that disempower the people we serve.

Application of Faith
At Water4, we believe that true impact is achieved when faith is genuinely applied to our work — which is inspired and empowered by the Living Water. We seek the flourishing of all people made in God’s image and to see this manifestation of His Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. In this way, our approach invites believers to work out their faith by fulfilling the Great Commandments and the Great Commission.
We seek to love God and love our neighbors with heart, soul, mind, and strength. In offering our customers safe water access, we are essentially loving and serving Christ himself (Matt. 25:40), through the provision of a physical need. Safe water gives the most vulnerable what they require to have life and health, preventing disease, malnutrition, and suffering. Our everyday work is love in action - providing for needs, treating people with dignity, and promoting flourishing.
When you give to Water4, you're not just funding physical wells that may one day run dry. Our work allows supporters to invest in an eternal impact far greater than any earthly return by following Jesus’ call to go and make new disciples (Matt. 28:19-20). Every safe water point becomes a kingdom outpost where we show and share Jesus through relationships and our Multiply discipleship movement. Employees voluntarily use orality methods to engage customers, follow up, encourage them to start groups, connect those groups with other groups and group leaders, and then provide ongoing training and accountability as a business to form and integrate into existing churches. It’s a mustard seed movement that’s forming and sustaining tens of thousands of groups and empowering hundreds of churches where we work. In investing in Water4, your resources are multiplied in both safe water and the Living Water.